11 Mar 2025
New Saint Lucia Short Film Series Celebrates Local Perspectives

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Saint Lucia Tourist Authority

The series of shorts called 'My Saint Lucia' were shot on island and feature six contributors of Saint Lucian heritage or with a strong link to the island. Each shows their unique perspective as they tell the story of their connection.


The aim of the series, directed by award-winning arts journalist and Saint Lucian cultural ambassador Brenda Emmanus, is to celebrate the unique spirit and charm of local perspectives as well as show visitors an alternative side to Saint Lucia beyond the traditional brochures.


The contributors are:

  • Christa Bailey: Jazz vocalist
  • Pepsi Demacque-Crockett: Singer, author
  • Nigel Mitchel: Executive Chef at Ladera Resort
  • Dornalyn Simons: Taxi driver
  • Angus Thirlwell: Entrepreneur and CEO of Hotel Chocolat
  • Llewelyn Xavier: Artist


Each short film includes a summary profile including what the contributor does professionally, their relevant achievements and their relationship with the island. They have also chosen their highlights such as their favourite view, favourite restaurant or where they go to relax.

SLTA CEO Louis Lewis said: “Video and short films are increasingly popular online for people making travel decisions. In this first series we introduce you to some remarkable people telling their stories and talking about experiences and places to enjoy in Saint Lucia. You'll get to know a little bit more about our people and why they love our island to hopefully inspire your next visit.”

Director of the project, Brenda Emmanus OBE is a seasoned media professional and broadcaster who has presented and produced films and documentaries for major British broadcast channels such as the BBC. She has worked across a broad range of genres including current affairs, fashion, travel, consumer affairs, arts and entertainment. 'My Saint Lucia' became a passion project inspired by her personal links to the island.

Brenda Emmanus said: “Both of my parents were born in Saint Lucia and I have been visiting this gem of a place since I was a teenager. I have a strong bond with the island so it was a pleasure to create these short films to allow people to share their own connections to Saint Lucia and share with travellers why it is so special to them. The long term plan is to make this an ever-increasing collection of contributors and their love of this island. A legacy to this awe-inspiring destination.”

The My Saint Lucia films can be viewed at https://www.stlucia.org/en/my-saint-lucia/

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