St. Augustine, Fla. (February 26, 0225)..Throughout its 460-year history, Florida's Historic Coast has been home to many populations, from the land's very first native people to Spanish colonists to freed slaves. This spring, explore the art and music that evokes their historical stories and cultural expression.
Explore the life of St. Augustine's Colonial Spanish civilian residents at the Colonial Craft Weekend at Castillo de San Marcos on March 15-16. Founders Day: The Founding of Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose takes place on March 22 and marks the 285th anniversary of North America's first legally sanctioned free Black community, Fort Mose.
Celebrate the agricultural history of Alpine Groves at the Bartram Living History Festival on May 3 with engaging activities and interactive interpretations from 1740 to the present day on Florida's Historic Coast. History Harvest at Beluthahatchee on April 11 reveals the rich literary and musical history created by writer Stetson Kennedy and his frequent guest Woody Guthrie at Beluthahatchee Park.
Learn about St. Augustine's history from its founding in 1565 to the present at the St. Augustine History Festival from May 7-11. And see history come to life at Drake's Raid on May 9-10, a reenactment commemorating the land and naval attack by Sir Francis Drake against the Spanish settlers of San Agustin in 1586.
Artists celebrate the deep connection between water and community at River Reflection at Alpine Groves Park on March 14. Meanwhile, artists and craftspeople around Northeast Florida will showcase their works at the juried Old Town Art Show at Francis Field on April 12-13.
The St. Augustine Art Association (STAAA), one of the country's oldest art associations, hosts the Spring Members Show, which showcases works from local members from March 7-30. STAAA also coordinates the First Friday Art Walks, a cooperative art experience featuring St. Augustine's finest galleries. From April 23-27, STAAA's 9th Annual St. Augustine Plein Air Paint Out is a community-wide plein air event celebrating art and nature. St. Augustine's Romanza Festival of the Arts, which runs from May 2-18, is an arts and cultural festival that showcases the community's talent through concerts and arts events throughout the city.
St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra and the Beaches offer 42 miles of beautiful beaches, history, unique culture, attractions, nature, recreation, and more. Plan your historic getaway today at Florida's Historic Coast.
Located midway between Daytona Beach and Jacksonville, Florida's Historic Coast includes historic St. Augustine, the outstanding golf and seaside elegance of Ponte Vedra, the rural beauty of Hastings, Elkton, St. Johns, and 42 miles of pristine Atlantic beaches. Visitor Information Centers are at 10 Castillo Drive, St. Augustine; 200 Solana Rd. Suite B, Ponte Vedra Beach: and at the St. Johns County Beach Pier Park, 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. Call 1.800.653.2489 or go to the Visitors and Convention Bureau website, www.FloridasHistoricCoast.com. Check us out on Instagram @FloridasHistoricCoast; @ViajaStAugustine, Facebook.com/OfficialStAugustine, Facebook.com/ViajaStAugustine and X @FlHistoricCoast