“Baroque Route” is the latest video in the Lisbon Stories series, an initiative by the Lisbon Tourism Association (ATL) to promote the destination abroad, including in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and Brazil. The video invites viewers to explore Lisbon's rich culture and heritage through its Baroque museums and monuments.
For approximately five minutes, the video presents an itinerary of emblematic sites such as the Baroque Museum, the Palácio do Correio-Mor, the Palácio de Fronteira, the Palácio do Marquês de Pombal, the Palácio Ludovice, the Aqueduto das Águas Livres, the Palácio Nacional de Mafra, the Quinta Real de Caxias, the Palácio Nacional de Belém, the Museu Nacional dos Coches and the Museu Tesouro Real. It also mentions the numerous churches and chapels that were remodelled and redecorated in the Baroque style during the reign of King João V.
Paula Oliveira, executive director of the Lisbon Tourism Association, states: “The decorative richness and architectural complexity of the Baroque style reflect an era of prosperity that marked Lisbon's cultural identity. Present in museums, monuments and churches, the Baroque left a strong historical legacy that now invites everyone to visit.”
The Baroque style had its splendour in Lisbon during the reign of King João V in the first half of the 18th century. Although many of the buildings from this period were destroyed in the 1755 earthquake, several examples of Lisbon's 'Golden Age' have survived to the present day.
“Baroque Route” reinforces ATL's commitment to publicising Lisbon's historical, cultural and artistic wealth on the national market and abroad.
The video is available in six languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.
Images are available for download here
Notes to editors
About Turismo de Lisboa
Turismo de Lisboa is a non-profit organisation established through an alliance of public and private bodies operating in the tourist sector. It has around 900 associated members. Since its inception in 1998, the main objective of this association is to improve and increase the promotion of Lisboa as a tourist destination and therefore enhance the quality and competitiveness of the city.
For media information and images, please contact Hume Whitehead Ltd:
Richard Hume (richard@humewhitehead.co.uk / 020 3375 4050)
Laura Boo (laura@humewhitehead.co.uk / 020 3375 4056)