A new conservation area has been declared for the Yukon, Canada, offering protected habitat for the Porcupine Caribou in the northeast corner of the territory and safeguarding critical Inuvialuit harvesting areas for future generations.
The Aullaviat/Anguniarvik Traditional Conservation Area includes 850,000 hectares of land from Ivvavik and Vuntut National Parks in the Yukon's north, all the way east to the border of Northwest Territories.
With more than 21 percent of the Yukon now protected from development, the territory is leading conservation efforts in Canada, as the country strives to meet its commitment to protect 30 per cent of land and waters by 2030.
How to get there
Air Canada offers daily direct flights to Vancouver from Sydney and Brisbane. Direct flights from Sydney to Vancouver are also available on Qantas. Internal flights to Whitehorse and Dawson City in the Yukon are available on Air North and Air Canada. For more information, visit travelyukon.com