We're thrilled to announce that we are now an Eco Certified business by Ecotourism Australia.
This certification reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism, ensuring our guests enjoy an eco-friendly experience.
A big THANK YOU to Impact Sustainability for helping us track and manage our emissions with their innovative software, since starting this journey in 2023.
Since 2007, we've prioritized sustainability by growing our own produce, sourcing local produce, and using our Closed Loop Organics Composter daily, to turn food waste into nutrient-rich soil in just 24 hours. This has been a game changer for us across both properties.
We are thrilled to showcase our commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism. Tourism businesses are certified using international best practice standards. Certification assures our guests, that our business is backed by a strong, well-managed commitment to sustainable practices.
One of our most significant changes contributing to this new certification is working with a team of sustainability and data specialists, from Impact Sustainability. They are passionate about making it simple for businesses like ours to create, deliver, and be in control of their sustainability strategy. We now measure, manage, track and report our emissions through their easy-to-use software.
Since opening, we have focused on building on our sustainability processes. We are dedicated to growing as much of our own produce as possible and sourcing as much local produce as we can, to ensure quality and seasonality are achieved. More than 15% of the items on our menus come straight from our property's onsite kitchen garden.
In 2023 when we started our Ecotourism Certification journey, we discovered the importance of partnering with other like-minded organisations, to help achieve the outcomes we are all wanting. We found the incredible Aussie team at Groundswell. They work hard to fund climate action by pooling donated money, and distributing it into several grants to then give to hard-working organisations who are tackling the climate crisis in Australia.
We ask our guests when booking to stay with us if they'd like to make a small voluntary contribution to Groundswell.
We believe that Sustainability is an ongoing process, therefore we are committed to evolving in this space.