In a collaboration between the islands' tourism and agricultural departments, the event welcomed the UK travel and food industries to embark on a sensory journey through the archipelago, comprising Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, to experience the flavours, textures and aromas of many of the local wines and produce that highlight the rich agricultural traditions of the destination.
With welcomes from both Jaume Bauza, Councillor of Tourism, Culture & Sport, and Joan Simonet, Councillor of Agriculture, Fishing and the Natural Environment, the event aimed to celebrate local producers and cooperatives, and demonstrate the ethos and vitality of the local Balearic food industry which helps to preserve and safeguard many local traditions and customs.
Jaume Bauza, Councillor of Tourism and Sport said:
“Lovers of gastronomy and culture have endless opportunities in the Balearic Islands to taste exquisite produce, visit spectacular villages and enjoy a varied cultural offering that stretched throughout the year and extends far beyond the summer season.
It is of utmost importance within our government policy to promote the traditions and culture of our region. Associating gastronomy and culture with tourism is one of the cornerstones of our new administration and forms part of our strategy for the transformation of tourism in the archipelago.
To achieve this transformation, the Regional Ministry for Tourism, Culture and Sport, through the REVIVE Project, the Next Generation EU Funds, and the Sustainable Tourism Tax, facilitates the implementation of projects aimed at research, innovation, sustainable development, and the circular economy. Through the REVIVE Project, we have new tools to promote cultural heritage and, at the same time, develop campaigns and projects that will benefit our local villages, their communities and industries.
In addition, this year, via Next Generation EU Funds, the Government has subsidised a total of 85 projects throughout the Balearic Islands with an investment of more than €54 million euros. This enables towns and island councils to be able to invest in the improvement of their infrastructure, in the acquisition of land or properties of high heritage value, and the creation of new cultural spaces, such as the Can Biscaí ethnological museum in Binissalem, or the visitors' centre in Esporles, among others.
Likewise, the Sustainable Tourism Tax in operation in the Balearic Islands is aimed at managing the impact of tourism on the Balearic Islands' natural resources, subsidising projects aimed at improvements in local resources or actions to promote sustainable and responsible tourism.
Having brilliant infrastructure, a first-class agri-food industry, excellent hotel facilities and a high-quality service industry is undoubtedly key to tourism success.
Our local culture and traditions are deeply connected to our agricultural, food and wine sector and we are proud to deepen these relationships and trade connections with key travel and food partners in the United Kingdom.”
For more information on what to see and to in the Balearic Islands, please visit: www.illesbalears.travel
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Editorial enquiries can be directed to BalearicIslands@wearelotus.co.uk