Wildlife wellness
Seeing wildlife provokes a deep sense of well-being that can lead to significant health and well-being benefits*. What's more, Wildlife spotting in Scotland is becoming increasingly popular, with Google searches for 'wildlife in Scotland' increasing by 153% in the past quarter.
Options for a wildlife wander include:
Shetland & Orkney, and the western isles, whales and dolphins (and otters!)
Moray Speyside and the city of Aberdeen have long been popular spots for whale and dolphin sighting in Scotland, with Chanonry Point on the Black Isle being a particularly popular spot for fans of the mammals, as well as wildlife photographers. However, it is the northern isles of Shetland and Orkney have seen a recent increase in sightings with statistics showing that Shetland in particular is one of the best places to see whales in Scotland. Humpback, sperm, fin, pilot and minke whales are frequent visitors. In January 2024, in Shetland, there was even sightings of the beluga whale, which is only the sixth time that the mammal has been seen in Scottish waters. Orkney is one of the best places to see whales and dolphins with 12 species being record over the past 18 seasons**.
Tour companies in Shetland that offer boat trips where visitors might spot a whale or dolphin include Seabirds and Seals (a recent regional Scottish Thistles Award*** winner) and a special winter whale-spotting tour with Shetland Sea Adventures (the winter tour being not for the faint-hearted as conditions will be decidedly colder and sea conditions rougher!) In Orkney, there is Orcadian Wildlife Tours which arranges orca spotting tours upon request, although they cannot guarantee sightings.
Alternatively, if it's otters that are of interest, a brand-new documentary is on the way called Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story (2024). This film tells the story of love between a wild otter and a man and was filmed in Shetland. Produced by Silverback Films, and from director Charlie Hamilton James and producer Jeff Wilson, the documentary follows Billy, a salt-of-the-earth philosopher and Molly, a half-drowned, starving young female otter that Billy stumbles on one rainy evening. From there, an unlikely relationship begins that eventually saves them both. Billy & Molly is a remarkable story of trust, of joy and a shared love of the simple things in life. The documentary premieres 6 May on National Geographic and is available to stream on 7 May on Disney+/Hulu (US release dates only). Other release dates tbc.
Beavers in Perth city
Perth is the first city in UK to have resident urban beavers. In fact, beavers are thriving in the city, according to a survey from NatureScot****. A stroll along Tay Street in the city (by the River Tay) offers the chance to see urban beavers as well as cheeky otters, and majestic Kingfishers. The River Tay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) has the highest wildlife accolade and is part of the Natura 2000 network – a series of internationally important wildlife sites throughout Europe. Don't miss the River Tay Public Art Trail, and head to the 63 Tay Street restaurant to re-fuel, before a short walk to the brand-new Perth Museum, currently home to the historic Stone of Destiny and an exhibition on Scotland's national animal, the unicorn.
Wildlife in the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere
Covering almost 9,800 km² of southwest Scotland's land and sea, the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere follows the rivers that flow out of the Galloway Hills: through forests and farmland, historic villages and towns, all the way to a ruggedly scenic coast. The region includes outstanding and rare habitats which are home to some of Scotland's most iconic wildlife. The peatlands are carbon-storing, the ancient native woodlands sing a chorus of beautiful birdlife, and the catchments of seven rivers support leaping salmon and secretive water voles. Visitors are encouraged to explore the Biosphere's woodlands responsibly and one of the best ancient woodlands in Scotland can be found locally at the Wood of Cree. Listen out for the symphony of the woods sung by the redstarts, wood warblers, pied flycatchers and willow tits seldom heard elsewhere. In autumn, a bounty of mushrooms and toadstools grow in troves under the canopy and the mixture of orange hues in the leaves make a stunning backdrop. This location is ideal to see conservation efforts in action, as the RSPB remove invasive conifers, plant native hardwoods and facilitate natural regeneration by thinning, ensuring the woods' survival into the future.
Squirrels in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park
With their inquisitive natures and sprightly personalities (as well as cute faces and bushy tails), it isn't difficult to see why squirrels are a favourite animal for many visiting Scotland. Scotland has a large population of both grey and red squirrels, and indeed red squirrels are in danger of becoming extinct in Scotland due to the invasive grey squirrel. The team at the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park aims to create good habitat free of grey squirrels, as well as encouraging red squirrels back into areas where they haven't been seen in a while, making the National Park one of the best places to spot them. In particular check out the forests in the west, such as Glenbranter Forest in the Argyll Forest Park. Benmore Botanic Gardens, also in the Forest Park, has a good hide where visitors can watch the squirrels. They can also be spotted in the Trossachs (for example around Callander) and in places like Balmaha. The Lodge at Aberfoyle is another good place to see red squirrels. There's a visitor centre, red squirrel feeders and a hide. Visitors interested in helping to save Scotland's red squirrel population are encouraged to visit the Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels website including reporting a red squirrel sighting to keep track of their numbers.
Deer in the south of Scotland and the Lothians
Scotland has long been associated with the image of a running stag at a Highland estate with an image of the misty mountains in the background. However, visitors need not travel as far north as the Highlands to potentially catch sight of a deer in Scotland; they can be seen in the Scottish Borders and also East Lothian. For example, roe deer (the smallest native British deer) can be seen at Ruberslaw Wild Woods Camping in Hawick in the Scottish Borders. Similarly, the woods near Gosford Park in Aberlady, East Lothian are known to be frequented by deer. Special care and respect for the habitat should be taken near deer to avoid frightening then and it is advisable to keep dogs on leads. Bainloch Deer Park in Dumfries and Galloway offers safari tours to see the deer respectfully (with dogs not allowed on tours). The park is set in the wild hills overlooking the Solway Coast and is home to Japanese sika, wild roe deer and Britain's largest land mammal, the majestic red deer.
For more ideas around wildlife spotting in Scotland, go to: https://www.visitscotland.com/things-to-do/landscapes-nature/wildlife
Water Safety Week, 18-25 June 2024
Spending time on or in the water is a popular way to stay active, have fun and enjoy Scotland's scenic locations. As summer approaches the natural beauty of Scotland's rivers, lochs and golden beaches becomes even more appealing for a range of activities such as canoeing and kayaking, wild swimming and paddleboarding. Scotland has plenty of options to choose from, including the following, some of which are brand new for 2024:
Tweed Valley Canoe Trail - New for 2024
Hot off the press: this 30-mile stretch of the majestic River Tweed is the first official canoe trail in the south of Scotland and is brand new for spring 2024. Starting near the Dawyck Botanic Garden and finishing just beyond Sir Walter Scott's magnificent Abbotsford, this scenic canoe trail offers tranquillity as well as adventure. Whether taking a stroll along the route and immersing oneself in the history or pursuing a more active pursuit on the water itself, there is something for everyone. There are also plenty of diverse landscapes and wildlife to look out for along the way.
For a canoe guide and gear hire, get in touch with Biggar Adventure for all that is needed including guides who know the route very well. Alternatively, Kayak & SUP Hire Scottish Borders offers sit-on-top kayaks for hire that are suitable for all ability levels.
Explore trail maps, suggested itineraries, camping info and more for a safe and memorable journey on the Tweed Valley Canoe Trail via www.gotweedvalley.co.uk/tweed-valley-canoe-trail
For those who wonder what lies beneath the seas off Scotland's coastline, check out Scotland's network of snorkel trails. Showcasing the diversity of marine life, participants could see everything from small sea squirts, sponges and anemones right up to dolphins, whales and harmless basking sharks.
Launched by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, there are snorkel trails in the Moray Firth, Fife, Arran, Berwickshire, East Lothian, Lochaber, North Argyll, North Harris, the North West Highlands and Torridon (with others planned for other locations in Scotland). For more information, and to consult the Snorkel Safety Information, please visit https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/things-to-do/snorkel-trails (Snorkel trails are self-guided and having the appropriate equipment will be necessary).
Wild Shore Dundee is a water-based adventure hub, offering a number of unique, dynamic and adrenaline-charged outdoor activities including an Aqua Park, Wakeboarding, Stand Up Paddleboarding, and Ringo.
Located at the City Quay in the heart of Dundee, Wild Shore is the perfect day out for families, friends and individuals. Whether giving wakeboarding a try, taking on the challenge of the floating Aqua Park obstacle course or exploring the City Quay on a SUP board, Wild Shore has something for all ages and abilities. Visit www.wildshoredundee.co.uk for more information.
With every water-based activity comes a certain level of risk. It is important that visitors are well-informed before undertaking recreational activities on or in the water, recognise the dangers posed and the precautions that can be taken to safely and responsibly enjoy the amazing locations that Scotland has to offer. The message is simple – always follow the safety guidelines. Be sure to read the Water Safety Code here: https://watersafetyscotland.org.uk/advice-hub/water-safety-code/ as well as VisitScotland's Guide to Outdoor Safety in Scotland here.
For more water fun ideas in Scotland, check out www.visitscotland.com/things-to-do/outdoor-activities/watersports
*Benefits Of Spending Time With Animals In The Wild - Ecohappiness Project
**Cetaceans in Orkney – Orcadian Wildlife
*** Delivered by VisitScotland in partnership with regional awards programmes, the Scottish Thistle Awards celebrate individual businesses, people and partnership working across 18 different categories. The awards have become an annual celebration of excellence, collaboration and innovation within one of the Scotland's most important sectors. For more information visit www.scottishthistleawards.co.uk
****Survey finds beavers establishing strong presence in City of Perth | NatureScot