There's a big yellow thing in clear blue skies that we haven't had much acquaintance with these past few months. The air is buzzing with birdsong. Flowers are sensing that it's warmer and sticking their heads out. It's Spring… and with it comes Easter! There's no finer time to visit Norfolk…
It's lambing season and children love nothing better than seeing the cute little creatures gambolling on the grass. At Wroxham Barns you can even feed them, plus they have a junior farm and play barn. Other lamb feeding opportunities are available…
It's a great time to see the growing seal pups at Blakeney Point in north Norfolk before they find their own way in life. Take a boat trip with Beans. Aaaaaaw… they're so cute.
Where to see the seals in Norfolk
Flowers bring the colour back to our scenery! First are snowdrops, and they're particularly good at Walsingham Abbey (don't miss the heritage railway), and then we have bluebells, you'll find Foxley Wood is carpeted with them. Look out also for the brilliant yellow of Marsh Marigolds growing in the wetter areas or spot purple violets, yellow primroses or the white stars of wood anemones. Pensthorpe, Fairhaven Gardens and our stately homes are all good for Spring flowers too.
Where to see the bluebells in Norfolk
Now it's warmer, what better time to get out on quiet country lanes with a cycle, or put on the hiking boots, pack a rucksack, and head off on one of the county's great trails. Why not track down a pingo. Yes, we know, it sounds like something from CBeebies, but they're real, and they're in the Brecks. They're actually ice age…
Alternatively, get the pooches and head off to our wonderful, huge beaches for a bracing stroll on the sand. There's not many restrictions on dogs on our beaches at this time of the year. Go on, you'd be barking not to!
Dog-friendly beaches in Norfolk
Dog-friendly parks and forests in Norfolk
While there's a little less avian activity than Winter, it's nonetheless a great time of year to see birdlife in Norfolk. We reckon we're the UK's birdwatching capital. Look out for spectacular aerial displays of lapwings over coastal marshes, plus nesting terns and screaming swifts. Birdsong is brilliant at this time of year – particularly the churring nightjar.
Some of our best home-grown food is on its way! Look out for asparagus stalls on country road lay-bys and samphire sold on the coast, or if you're in the city there's nowhere better than Norwich market, the largest covered market place in Europe. Cromer crab (in sarnies or with a salad) is excellent too at this time of year.
The best Norfolk food and drink
As we're coming out of hibernation, so are the festivals. In May we've got the Norfolk & Norwich Festival to look forward to, the oldest of its kind in the country, and then there's the Cromer and Sheringham Crab and Lobster Festival.
The best festivals in Norfolk 2024
If you think we're welcoming the better weather, how do you think the tigers at Banham Zoo feel. Get yourself along and warm them up with your presence… just don't get too close. That said, you can feed the giraffes with branches of eucalyptus.
Take a boat out on the Broads! Enjoy the tranquillity, the birdlife and beautiful countryside as you slip along. Find a riverside pub or café for lunch. Get the taste and come back for a whole week another time.